
Success and what it looks like. . . . . . Success and what it feels like.... Success and what it acts like, walks like, talks like... WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE GREAT? How can I get from where I am to where I want to be? Where is my projection? Where is my trajectory leading me? Are my dreams and desires even possible? YES! You ARE there ALREADY! Accept the stages. Trust the timing. Work HARD. Rest Smart. There is an ebb and flow. In this fast-paced society, WE only see the result. WE see the final product. We are shown the outcome, the END of the process. The final draft edited, polished, & well-thought through... BUT What we don't see is behind the scenes. The (in)between. The stages and seasons of Discovery. Look closer. It is there. WITHin us ALL! The struggle, the doubt, the fears, and the insecurities. Heartbreaks and Heartbuilds. To be Stronger and Stronger And STRONGER! Physically, Mentally, and ...